I am saddened, outraged, angry at the many times I have to hear a report about a woman or girl who has been raped and brutally murdered.
The world we live in is not safe for us women, I cant go out at night or worse during the day and not stop to think that I many be abducted, raped and worse of all murdered.
My heart bleeds for all the women all over the world whose innocence has been robbed by rape or any form of violence.
As women we are told do not walk at night, do not wear that short skirt , do not go out partying at night or else you will be raped. We living at a time were we are told dont do that or do that to avoid being raped but truth of the matter is that even if she had to wear a long dress or stay at home the whole day, a woman is still prone to getting raped and murdered . THE TRUE FACT IS WE ARE NOT SAFE ANY MORE AND WE HAVE NEVER BEEN SAFE.
Many cases go unreported, many victims have to deal with a justice system that lets the perpetrator walk free. That one actual victim who decides to step up and be a voice for other voiceless women out there ends up being ridiculed. She is subjected to humiliation and she is judged and then has to bear through rape culture.
what should we do ? when will all this stop? How long will it go on?

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